Operation of the independent Judicial Panel

It is essential that the sport’s participants and followers have confidence in the sport’s judicial system, that it is handled by the right individuals and acts with independence from the BHA’s regulatory functions.

The British Horseracing Authority appoints the Judicial Panel Chair to lead and oversee the activities of the Judicial Panel. The Judicial Panel is comprised of the Disciplinary Panel, Licensing Committee and the Appeal Board.

The Judicial Panel Chair and the members of the Judicial Panel are remunerated by the British Horseracing Authority, but act entirely independently of the Authority.

The Judicial Panel is chaired by Sarah Crowther KC.

The Disciplinary Panel and Licensing Committee includes 16 members, including former horsemen and women and legally-qualified chairs.

The Appeal Board comprises legally-qualified chairs and raceday Stewards.

The Disciplinary Panel

The Disciplinary Panel holds enquiries under the Rules of Racing and, where appropriate, imposes penalties where breaches of the Rules have been committed and hears appeals from Stewards’ decisions. Each Disciplinary Panel hearing is chaired by a legally-qualified member, in the interest of fairness to all parties.

Raceday Stewards are not permitted to serve on the Disciplinary Panel while they remain active on the racecourse.

To find out about Fast Track Protocol for lower level rules breaches, please read here.

Licensing Committee

The Licensing Committee determines referred cases and applications for reassessment and decides on the continuing status of licensed, permitted and registered individuals under the Rules, including all jockeys, trainers, other racing staff and racehorse owners.

Active Raceday Stewards may serve on the Licensing Committee because it does not involve them adjudicating on the decisions of fellow Stewards.

More information about how the Licensing Committee operates and previous decisions can be found here.

Appeal Board

Appeal Boards are convened to hear appeals from some decisions made under the Rules of Racing to the extent permitted by the Rules for appeals to an Appeal Board.

Active Raceday Stewards serve on the Appeal Board because it does not involve them adjudicating on the decisions of fellow Stewards.

The National Safeguarding Panel

The National Safeguarding Panel (‘NSP’), administered by Sport Resolutions, provide a specialist, independent arbitration service to hear and adjudicate upon safeguarding cases in sport. The BHA Safeguarding Regulations provide that cases can be referred to a BHA Panel or a Panel of the NSP for a hearing to determine charges and any risk management measures which may be appropriate. First instance decisions from either a BHA Panel or a Panel of the NSP can also be referred to an NSP Appeal Tribunal for determination.